关于「 ins」的内容列表

U.S. Congressman Elizabeth Warren has pressured SEC chair nominee Paul Atkins over his connection to FTX and Trump's cryptocurrency

US Senator Elizabeth Warren has sent a 34-page letter to SEC chair nominee Paul Atkins, focusing on its ties to failed crypto trading platform FTX and the potential conflicts of interest posed by Trump's issue of Memecoin. In the letter, Warren pointed out that Patomak Global Partners, a consulting firm founded by Atkins, advised FTX in 2022 and has clients in banks, crypto exchanges, and DeFi platforms. He himself joined the advisory board of The Digital Chamber, a blockchain industry associati...

2025-03-24 21:17:38
美议员Elizabeth Warren向SEC主席提名人Paul Atkins施压,质疑其与FTX及特朗普加密货币的关联

美国参议员 Elizabeth Warren 向 SEC 主席提名人 Paul Atkins 发出一封长达 34 页的质询信,关注其与破产加密交易平台 FTX 的关联,以及特朗普发行的 Memecoin 带来的潜在利益冲突。Warren 在信中指出,Atkins 所创立的咨询公司 Patomak Global Partners 曾在 2022 年为 FTX 提供顾问服务,并拥有多家银行、加密交易所及 DeFi 平台客户。他本人亦于 2020 年加入区块链行业协会 The Digital Chamber 的顾问委...

2025-03-24 21:17:38
Tabit Insurance completes fundraising of $40 million in bitcoin reserves

Tabit Insurance, an insurance company founded by former Bittrex executives, has raised a $40 million reserve fund made up of bitcoin for traditional insurance and reinsurance business. Tabit Insurance is understood to provide bitcoin-backed liability insurance and is a regulated risk underwriter that relies on bitcoin reserves to develop traditional insurance denominated in dollars. The company has a Tier 2 insurance license issued by the Financial Services Commission of Barbados.

2025-03-24 13:18:03
保险公司 Tabit Insurance 完成 4000 万美元比特币储备金募资

由 Bittrex 前高管创立的保险公司 Tabit Insurance 完成募集 4000 万美元储备金,这笔资金由比特币组成,用于开展传统保险和再保险业务。据悉,Tabit Insurance 主要提供比特币支持的责任保险,也是一家依赖比特币储备来制定以美元计价的传统保险的受监管风险承保机构,该公司拥有巴巴多斯金融服务委员会颁发的 2 级保险执照。

2025-03-24 13:18:03
CoinShares: Total inflows of digital asset investment products reached $644 million last week

According to CoinShares' latest weekly report, digital asset investment products broke a five-week streak of outflows last week, with inflows totaling $644 million. Total assets under management rose 6.3% from their March 10 low. Bitcoin attracted $724 million in inflows, ending a five-week streak of outflows totaling $5.40 billion. Meanwhile, short-term bitcoin investment products saw outflows totaling $7.10 million for the third week in a row. Counterfeit products market sentiment is mixed. Et...

2025-03-24 09:51:45
CoinShares:上周数字资产投资产品流入总额达到 6.44 亿美元

据CoinShares最新周报数据,数字资产投资产品上周打破了连续五周的资金流出趋势,流入总额达到 6.44 亿美元。总管理资产较 3 月 10 日的低点增长了 6.3%。 比特币吸引 7.24 亿美元资金流入,结束了连续五周流出总额达 54 亿美元的局面。与此同时,短期比特币投资产品连续第三周出现资金流出,总额达 710 万美元。 山寨币市场情绪喜忧参半。以太坊遭遇了最严重的资金流出,流...

2025-03-24 09:51:45
According to Business Insider: Tesla (TSLA. O) held an impromptu plenary meeting to discuss Tesla's recent achievements. The live broadcast of the meeting was originally scheduled to start at 9:30 p.m. ET (9:30 a.m. Beijing time), but...

According to Business Insider: Tesla (TSLA. O) held an impromptu plenary meeting to discuss Tesla's recent achievements. The live broadcast of the meeting was originally scheduled to start at 9:30 p.m. ET (9:30 a.m. Beijing time), but the link to the live broadcast was removed, causing confusion among Tesla employees. For now, the live broadcast has not started.

2025-03-21 01:55:35
据Business Insider:特斯拉(TSLA.O)举行一次临时全体会议,旨在讨论特斯拉最近取得的成就。会议的直播原定于美国东部时间晚上9:30(北京时间早上9:30)开始,但...

据Business Insider:特斯拉(TSLA.O)举行一次临时全体会议,旨在讨论特斯拉最近取得的成就。会议的直播原定于美国东部时间晚上9:30(北京时间早上9:30)开始,但又删除了直播链接,这引起了特斯拉员工的困惑。目前,直播仍未开始。

2025-03-21 01:55:35
Trump's nominee for SEC chairperson, Paul Atkins, will be given a Senate hearing next week

Paul Atkins, the nominee for chairperson of the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), will appear before the Senate Banking Committee on March 27 for a confirmation hearing. If passed, the full Senate will hold a final vote. Atkins, a former SEC commissioner and proponent of digital assets, previously founded a financial compliance consulting firm in Washington. He is expected to continue the pro-crypto regulatory stance pushed by the Trump administration, succeeding former SEC chairperson Gary ...

2025-03-20 22:33:29
特朗普提名的SEC主席人选Paul Atkins将于下周接受参议院听证

美国证券交易委员会(SEC)主席提名人 Paul Atkins 将于 3 月 27 日出席参议院银行委员会确认听证会,若获通过,全体参议院将进行最终投票。Atkins 曾任 SEC 委员,是数字资产的支持者,此前在华盛顿创办金融合规咨询公司。他预计将延续特朗普政府推动的亲加密监管立场,接替前 SEC 主席 Gary Gensler,后者因对加密行业采取“执法式监管”...

2025-03-20 22:33:29
Elon Musk’s Grok AI Is Turning Against Him, Telling X Users He Spreads Misinformation
Elon Musk’s Grok AI Is Turning Against Him, Telling X Users He Spreads Misinformation

X's chatbot Grok, built to be "truth-seeking," is telling users That Elon Musk is the world’s biggest source of disinformation and suggesting that Trump might be a Russian asset.

2025-03-20 03:30:44
906枚BTC从Cumberland转至Coinbase Institutional

据Whale Alert监测,906枚比特币(约7605.6万美元)已从Cumberland转移至Coinbase Institutional。

2025-03-19 13:24:16
The US Senate is scheduled to hold a hearing on Paul Atkins' eligibility to serve as SEC chairperson on March 27

A U.S. Senate committee hearing will take place on March 27, and Paul Atkins may be one step closer to becoming the new crypto-friendly chair of the Securities Exchange Commission. President Donald Trump nominated Atkins to lead the SEC on December 4, but his marriage to the billionaire family is said to have caused problems with financial disclosures, leading to a delay in his potential appointment date. Although it is not clear whether the White House has submitted the relevant documents to th...

2025-03-18 00:48:21
美参议院定于3月27日就Paul Atkins出任SEC主席的任职资格举行听证会

美国参议院委员会听证会将于3月27日举行,Paul Atkins可能离成为美国证券交易委员会新任加密货币友好主席更近一步。美国总统特朗普于12月4日提名Atkins领导SEC,但他与亿万富翁家族的婚姻关系据称在财务披露方面引发了问题,导致其潜在上任日期被推迟。 虽然尚不清楚白宫是否已向参议院提交了相关文件,但据Semafor的Eleano...

2025-03-18 00:48:21
CoinShares: Net outflow of $1.70 billion from digital asset investment products last week, five consecutive weeks of net outflows

According to CoinShares' latest weekly report, digital asset investment products experienced their fifth consecutive week of outflows, with outflows totaling $1.70 billion last week, bringing the total outflow during this negative trend to $6.40 billion and marking the 17th consecutive day of outflows, the longest negative streak since records began in 2015. The report pointed out that despite the continued negative market sentiment, year-to-date capital inflows have remained positive at $912 mi...

2025-03-17 10:50:01

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